The Source - a manual of everyday magic - publication date March 2011 USA, UK, France and Italy

This blog is about how I allowed magic to enter my life and learned to embrace my Inner Witch. Here I will share the ways in which you can too - if you choose to live magically.

Join with me and others as we journey towards the Source of magic together.

The Source

The Source: A Manual of Everyday Magic

By Ursula James

The Source: A Manual of Everyday Magic 

The Source is an inspirational work of non-fiction and threads together two stories...

One story is that of Ursula Sontheil, but better known as Mother Shipton, a 16th century Yorkshire prophetess and healer, burnt to death at the stake but whose spirit survived, only to be made captive in an extraordinary cave in Knaresborough. She would have been trapped forever, but for its extraordinary power; objects left around the cave are turned to stone by the action of the lime suffused waters.

Mother Shipton used the powers of the waters to live again through the needs of those who called on her for healing. Each gift lit another spark of life within her.

Through the centuries many came for her help, enough for their needs to free her spirit to live again.
The second story is that of a modern Ursula, Ursula James, also from Yorkshire, a modern day healer of minds. Mother Shipton shaped her childhood, and, when she was ready to listen, came to her again as an adult and gave her the means to make her magic live again. This time her words are released into a world ready to listen to the magic.

Through Mother Shiptons prophecies and spells, Ursula James transformed her own life, and taught her how to pass this knowledge onto others around her. The magic began to grow and take on a seeming life of its own as technology and the ability to connect through the web – the true wyrd web.

The prophecies and spells proved for, as Kaballah says, Tikkun Olam – the healing of the world. They speak of relationships, love, the power of forgiveness, how to heal yourself and to make the connections with others to heal themselves. This is a book of power, and the reader will be changed by its words.

The Source comes out of time and is of its time. It is only now with the world of commerce in freefall, that we are now ready to listen and respond to Sister Moon and Mother Earth. Part fable, part spell-book,
The Source has true magic woven into its pages for those who read it well. Each chapter has a rituals, rite or journey to guide the reader on their path to the source of their own power.

Further details and exclusive The Source content will be available for members (membership is free!) of this blog in the lead up to its release.

Release date: March 2011