13 Aug 2010

Friday 13th

Today is a day associated with bad luck here in England. There are many ideas as to the origins of this superstition, most of them with Christian derivations. There is also anecdotal evidence that more accidents happen on this day, with a statistically significant increase in hospital admissions on this date as opposed to other Fridays of the year.

I know that Friday 13th is a lucky day for me. I made that decision when I was a child, and have always found it to be true. The fact of the matter is that superstitions, (especially those with a negative outcome) tell us more about people than they do about events. If you want to buy a red car, you see red cars everywhere. If a woman wants to get pregnant, she sees babies everywhere. The environment has not changed, but our perception of it has. So. If you decided that this is a day of bad luck, you will project this belief onto your surroundings and create this reality. If - like me - you decide that it is a good day, then that is your outcome.

Becoming magical starts with perception, not extra-sensory but sensory. Use your eyes and your ears to tell you what is around you and with this you can and will create your own luck. 

Superstition is as dangerous as you choose to allow it to be. 


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The Source - a manual of everyday magic - publication date March 2011 USA, UK, France and Italy

This blog is about how I allowed magic to enter my life and learned to embrace my Inner Witch. Here I will share the ways in which you can too - if you choose to live magically.

Join with me and others as we journey towards the Source of magic together.

13 Aug 2010

Friday 13th

Today is a day associated with bad luck here in England. There are many ideas as to the origins of this superstition, most of them with Christian derivations. There is also anecdotal evidence that more accidents happen on this day, with a statistically significant increase in hospital admissions on this date as opposed to other Fridays of the year.

I know that Friday 13th is a lucky day for me. I made that decision when I was a child, and have always found it to be true. The fact of the matter is that superstitions, (especially those with a negative outcome) tell us more about people than they do about events. If you want to buy a red car, you see red cars everywhere. If a woman wants to get pregnant, she sees babies everywhere. The environment has not changed, but our perception of it has. So. If you decided that this is a day of bad luck, you will project this belief onto your surroundings and create this reality. If - like me - you decide that it is a good day, then that is your outcome.

Becoming magical starts with perception, not extra-sensory but sensory. Use your eyes and your ears to tell you what is around you and with this you can and will create your own luck. 

Superstition is as dangerous as you choose to allow it to be. 


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