14 Aug 2010


So what is the big deal about the moon? Why do so many rituals make reference to lunar phases, and not just wiccan and pagan rituals?

An awareness of the moon means a number of things, the main one being that you are conscious of the changes in your environment, and how this environment can work differently for you at different lunar phases.

Just as Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar made note that "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads to fortune..." there are many quotes in literature about the connections between lunar phases and mans emotions and luck. This is no literary conceit, but a reflection of events as man saw them manifest in their surroundings.

As we live progressively in a world of light which masks the sky, we lose our connection with the phases of the moon, and with it our ability to wait for the right time to make things happen. Being aware of the lunar phases helps you prepare for change, prevents you from making rash decisions, and allows you to harness the power of your environment in making magic happen for you.

Lunar phases

  • Dark moon - a psychic moon - but be wary of its predictions
  • Waxing moon - a time of preparation for change
  • Full moon - a time of manifesting events
  • Waning moon - a time of release and letting go of the past
I am interested in your relationship with the moon and her cycles. 

Keep looking up at night - Mother Moon is there waiting to help you. 

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The Source - a manual of everyday magic - publication date March 2011 USA, UK, France and Italy

This blog is about how I allowed magic to enter my life and learned to embrace my Inner Witch. Here I will share the ways in which you can too - if you choose to live magically.

Join with me and others as we journey towards the Source of magic together.

14 Aug 2010


So what is the big deal about the moon? Why do so many rituals make reference to lunar phases, and not just wiccan and pagan rituals?

An awareness of the moon means a number of things, the main one being that you are conscious of the changes in your environment, and how this environment can work differently for you at different lunar phases.

Just as Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar made note that "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads to fortune..." there are many quotes in literature about the connections between lunar phases and mans emotions and luck. This is no literary conceit, but a reflection of events as man saw them manifest in their surroundings.

As we live progressively in a world of light which masks the sky, we lose our connection with the phases of the moon, and with it our ability to wait for the right time to make things happen. Being aware of the lunar phases helps you prepare for change, prevents you from making rash decisions, and allows you to harness the power of your environment in making magic happen for you.

Lunar phases

  • Dark moon - a psychic moon - but be wary of its predictions
  • Waxing moon - a time of preparation for change
  • Full moon - a time of manifesting events
  • Waning moon - a time of release and letting go of the past
I am interested in your relationship with the moon and her cycles. 

Keep looking up at night - Mother Moon is there waiting to help you. 

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